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import os def _mk_dirs(path:str): paths = path.split('/') pathToCreate = '' for x in paths: mkdir(pathToCreate + x) pathToCreate = pathToCreate + x + '/' # different micropython versions act differently when directory already exists def mkdir(path:str): try: os.mkdir(path) except OSError as exc: if exc.args[0] == 17: pass def _exists_dir(path) -> bool: try: os.listdir(path) return True except: return False def _copy_directory( fromPath, toPath): if not _exists_dir(toPath): _mk_dirs(toPath) for entry in os.ilistdir(fromPath): is_dir = entry[1] == 0x4000 if is_dir: _copy_directory(fromPath + '/' + entry[0], toPath + '/' + entry[0]) else: _copy_file(fromPath + '/' + entry[0], toPath + '/' + entry[0]) def _copy_file(fromPath, toPath): with open(fromPath) as fromFile: with open(toPath, 'w') as toFile: CHUNK_SIZE = 512 # bytes data = fromFile.read(CHUNK_SIZE) while data: toFile.write(data) data = fromFile.read(CHUNK_SIZE) toFile.close() _copy_directory("app", "app123")
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