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Micropython学习交流群 学习QQ群:468985481 学习交流ESP8266、ESP32、ESP8285、wifi模块开发交流、物联网。
Micropython老哥俩的IT农场分享QQ群:929132891 为喜欢科创制作的小白们分享一些自制的计算机软硬件免费公益课程,由两位多年从事IT研发的中年大叔发起。
#vx jd3096 import socket import network import uos import gc from time import localtime SSID='NBWIFI' PASSWORD='xxxxxxx' wlan=network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) wlan.active(True) wlan.connect(SSID,PASSWORD) if wlan.isconnected(): print('WIFI connected already!') else: while not wlan.isconnected(): pass print('WIFI connected first') print(wlan.ifconfig()[0]) #建立WIFI连接的方法自己随便弄,这里给个参考,ftp的地址就是打印出来的,ifconfig()的第一项 month_name = ["", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"] def send_list_data(path, dataclient, full): try: # whether path is a directory name for fname in uos.listdir(path): dataclient.sendall(make_description(path, fname, full)) except: # path may be a file name or pattern pattern = path.split("/")[-1] path = path[:-(len(pattern) + 1)] if path == "": path = "/" for fname in uos.listdir(path): if fncmp(fname, pattern) == True: dataclient.sendall(make_description(path, fname, full)) def make_description(path, fname, full): if full: stat = uos.stat(get_absolute_path(path,fname)) file_permissions = "drwxr-xr-x" if (stat[0] & 0o170000 == 0o040000) else "-rw-r--r--" file_size = stat[6] tm = localtime(stat[7]) if tm[0] != localtime()[0]: description = "{} 1 owner group {:>10} {} {:2} {:>5} {}\r\n".format( file_permissions, file_size, month_name[tm[1]], tm[2], tm[0], fname) else: description = "{} 1 owner group {:>10} {} {:2} {:02}:{:02} {}\r\n".format( file_permissions, file_size, month_name[tm[1]], tm[2], tm[3], tm[4], fname) else: description = fname + "\r\n" return description def send_file_data(path, dataclient): with open(path, "r") as file: chunk = file.read(512) while len(chunk) > 0: dataclient.sendall(chunk) chunk = file.read(512) def save_file_data(path, dataclient, mode): with open(path, mode) as file: chunk = dataclient.read(512) while len(chunk) > 0: file.write(chunk) chunk = dataclient.read(512) def get_absolute_path(cwd, payload): # Just a few special cases "..", "." and "" # If payload start's with /, set cwd to / # and consider the remainder a relative path if payload.startswith('/'): cwd = "/" for token in payload.split("/"): if token == '..': if cwd != '/': cwd = '/'.join(cwd.split('/')[:-1]) if cwd == '': cwd = '/' elif token != '.' and token != '': if cwd == '/': cwd += token else: cwd = cwd + '/' + token return cwd # compare fname against pattern. Pattern may contain # wildcards ? and *. def fncmp(fname, pattern): pi = 0 si = 0 while pi < len(pattern) and si < len(fname): if (fname[si] == pattern[pi]) or (pattern[pi] == '?'): si += 1 pi += 1 else: if pattern[pi] == '*': # recurse if (pi + 1) == len(pattern): return True while si < len(fname): if fncmp(fname[si:], pattern[pi+1:]) == True: return True else: si += 1 return False else: return False if pi == len(pattern.rstrip("*")) and si == len(fname): return True else: return False def ftpserver(): DATA_PORT = 13333 ftpsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) datasocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ftpsocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) datasocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) ftpsocket.bind(socket.getaddrinfo("", 21)[0][4]) datasocket.bind(socket.getaddrinfo("", DATA_PORT)[0][4]) ftpsocket.listen(1) datasocket.listen(1) datasocket.settimeout(10) msg_250_OK = '250 OK\r\n' msg_550_fail = '550 Failed\r\n' try: dataclient = None fromname = None while True: cl, remote_addr = ftpsocket.accept() cl.settimeout(300) cwd = '/' try: # print("FTP connection from:", remote_addr) cl.sendall("220 Hello, this is the ESP8266.\r\n") while True: gc.collect() data = cl.readline().decode("utf-8").rstrip("\r\n") if len(data) <= 0: print("Client disappeared") break command = data.split(" ")[0].upper() payload = data[len(command):].lstrip() path = get_absolute_path(cwd, payload) print("Command={}, Payload={}, Path={}".format(command, payload, path)) if command == "USER": cl.sendall("230 Logged in.\r\n") elif command == "SYST": cl.sendall("215 UNIX Type: L8\r\n") elif command == "NOOP": cl.sendall("200 OK\r\n") elif command == "FEAT": cl.sendall("211 no-features\r\n") elif command == "PWD": cl.sendall('257 "{}"\r\n'.format(cwd)) elif command == "CWD": try: files = uos.listdir(path) cwd = path cl.sendall(msg_250_OK) except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) elif command == "CDUP": cwd = get_absolute_path(cwd, "..") cl.sendall(msg_250_OK) elif command == "TYPE": # probably should switch between binary and not cl.sendall('200 Transfer mode set\r\n') elif command == "SIZE": try: size = uos.stat(path)[6] cl.sendall('213 {}\r\n'.format(size)) except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) elif command == "QUIT": cl.sendall('221 Bye.\r\n') break elif command == "PASV": addr = network.WLAN().ifconfig()[0] cl.sendall('227 Entering Passive Mode ({},{},{}).\r\n'.format( addr.replace('.',','), DATA_PORT>>8, DATA_PORT%256)) dataclient, data_addr = datasocket.accept() # print("FTP Data connection from:", data_addr) elif command == "LIST" or command == "NLST": if not payload.startswith("-"): place = path else: place = cwd try: send_list_data(place, dataclient, command == "LIST" or payload == "-l") cl.sendall("150 Here comes the directory listing.\r\n") cl.sendall("226 Listed.\r\n") except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) if dataclient is not None: dataclient.close() dataclient = None elif command == "RETR": try: send_file_data(path, dataclient) cl.sendall("150 Opening data connection.\r\n") cl.sendall("226 Transfer complete.\r\n") except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) if dataclient is not None: dataclient.close() dataclient = None elif command == "STOR": try: cl.sendall("150 Ok to send data.\r\n") save_file_data(path, dataclient, "w") cl.sendall("226 Transfer complete.\r\n") except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) if dataclient is not None: dataclient.close() dataclient = None elif command == "APPE": try: cl.sendall("150 Ok to send data.\r\n") save_file_data(path, dataclient, "a") cl.sendall("226 Transfer complete.\r\n") except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) if dataclient is not None: dataclient.close() dataclient = None elif command == "DELE": try: uos.remove(path) cl.sendall(msg_250_OK) except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) elif command == "RMD": try: uos.rmdir(path) cl.sendall(msg_250_OK) except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) elif command == "MKD": try: uos.mkdir(path) cl.sendall(msg_250_OK) except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) elif command == "RNFR": fromname = path cl.sendall("350 Rename from\r\n") elif command == "RNTO": if fromname is not None: try: uos.rename(fromname, path) cl.sendall(msg_250_OK) except: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) else: cl.sendall(msg_550_fail) fromname = None else: cl.sendall("502 Unsupported command.\r\n") # print("Unsupported command {} with payload {}".format(command, payload)) except Exception as err: print(err) finally: cl.close() cl = None finally: datasocket.close() ftpsocket.close() if dataclient is not None: dataclient.close() ftpserver() #直接跑这个就成功建立服务器了
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