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from machine import ADC import dftds # must be an analog pin TDS_PIN = 28 # create TDS object remembering to set the values according to your device. On raspberry pico the ADC range is 65535. # another thing to observe, on rasberry pico we have memory flash available, if you need this code to work on another storage device such as EEPROM you might need to create another implementation of KValueRepository. Feel free to open an PR and contribute. tds_sensor = dftds.GravityTDS(TDS_PIN, adc_range=65535, k_value_repository=dftds.KValueRepositoryFlash('tds_calibration.json')) tds_sensor.begin() # you can read the temperature using a dht22 or other device tds_sensor.temperature = 25.0 tds_value = tds_sensor.update() print("TDS: {}ppm, EC: {} mS/cm".format(tds_value, tds_value*2))
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